Friday, January 6, 2012

5 Songs I've Had on Repeat This Month While Working

Working as a web developer means you spend a lot of time alone. Well, it means you spend a lot of time in your own little world concentrating on all the numbers, letters, and symbols that make the internet work for most people. As a result, just about every web developer I've ever met constantly has a set of headphones jacked into their iPod, laptop, or work computer listening to music, watching videos, or just blocking out the white noise of the office.

I'm no exception, and because I still to this day haven't found a way to convince myself that listening to podcasts is a viable way of entertaining myself I tend to listen to music while I'm coding, and watch Netflix or DVDs while I have downtime.

So, today I'd like to share five of the songs I've been listening to on repeat in my Work Mix for the past few weeks:

I'm one of those people who tends to find individual songs that they like and then listen to them in small groups over and over for a few weeks to months at a time until I happen across something new that piques my interest.

Of course, that means that sometimes I know words to songs I never thought I would know. Especially when the songs are sometimes a little risque and I only really listen to them because I think the hook is pretty cool.

Cue my wife shaking her head in dismay and confusion.

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