Friday, November 18, 2011

Multi-Tasking: Not So Much

For a variety of reasons that I won't bore you with the details of, I've found myself struggling with multi-tasking lately. I'm not talking about your standard type of listening to some music while you do some homework or work on a project, but the kind of trying to juggle multiple important things at once.

There was a time in my life that I really enjoyed being overwhelmed by a million things to do, and sort of found a bit of a thrill in finding some way to get it all done. Lately though, not so much. Even the general tasks of living day to day life and trying to remember when each bill needs to be paid, when appointments are, and all those other lovely things seem to be falling by the wayside. Sometimes I feel like I'm losing the ability to retain any sort of "memory" if you will, which is a little frustrating.

One thing I've noticed is that if I can find the motivation to get things done and focus on just one thing at a time and work my way down the list I usually do a pretty good job, but if ten things need to be done at the same time, or I need to find a way to remember a million details all at once, things don't go so well.

I've been trying to figure out why this is happening, and I think it is mostly based in my discovery earlier this year that I suffer from anxiety. I'm not sure if coming to the realization that I suffer from anxiety has tripped some sort of subconscious trigger that makes it difficult for me to keep track of things, or if it has something to do with the medication I'm using to treat the anxiety. Regardless, it has made for some interesting months recently.

Being able to track a bunch of important stuff is nice, and I would like to find some way to get back to the point in my life where I remembered to do everything on time, the right way regardless of how much was going on, but I'm still searching for the right solution in light of my more recent life developments.

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